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Free and Flexible

Prior to showing up for the workshop, you can check out the project details and register for the workshop online. We recommend you do this to guarantee you’ll have a spot, but we’ve never had a problem with supplies running out at our store. 

To register, you’ll need to go to the workshop portion of the Home Depot website, enter the closest store to you, and then scroll down to find the upcoming workshop. Then, it’s as easy as entering your child’s name and your email address. 

On the day of the workshop, you can show up to the store anytime between 9:00am and 12:00pm. This is great when you have other things you might need to attend on a Saturday morning. When you enter Home Depot, you’ll check-in with an employee in the kids’ workshop area. Then, you’ll be given a free kit that includes instructions. If it’s your first time at a workshop, you’ll also be given a free apron

Next, you just find a spot at one of the work tables, open your kit, and get down to business. Any tools you’ll need (hammers and screwdrivers) can be found at the tables. Typically, there are tables setup for the construction portion and separate tables setup for the decorating portion (if there is paint involved). There are Home Depot instructors who circulate the area, so if you’re having problems or having questions, they’ll be able to help. Keep in mind that the instructions and projects are made for children. There’s no need to worry about whether or not you have the skills needed to help your child. Trust me. Anyone can do this. 

Once you’ve finished your project, your child will show it to the Home Depot employees leading the workshop. They’ll congratulate him/her on a job well done and give the child a free commemorative pin and a free certificate of achievement. You can put the pin on your child’s apron so that he/she can wear it proudly to your next workshop. 

Past Projects

The project is new each month, and it typically has something to do with an important event or theme for the month. For instance, October is fire safety month, so the kids will be making fire planes. In February, they made heart-shaped candy boxes. In April, they made birdhouses. This site shows pictures and descriptions for all of the workshops in 2019.


  • All kids must be accompanied by an adult at all times during the workshop. This is not a drop-off event. 
  • Glue and paint are involved in almost all projects, so don’t wear your best clothing to this workshop.
  • The Home Depot has partnered with Discovery Education to create these STEM workshops. There are extension activities available for free online if you’d like to continue the learning at home. 
  • This is an opportunity for you to work with your child in a hands-on and structured workshop. You will need to provide assistance, especially if you have a toddler like we do, but you should also help your child build confidence by letting him/her take the lead on most of the work. 
  • For the Adventure Kids, they do better when one adult is working with each of them. This makes it easier for the adult(s) involved too. If your kids are younger, and if possible, we suggest taking other adults with you to assist one-on-one. 

Final Tip from Adventure Mom

The Adventure Kids typically attend these workshops with Adventure Dad and Adventure Grandpa. This gives me some alone time. It’s quite an added bonus. 

Have you attended a Home Depot kids’ workshop? What did you make? How did your kids react to making something on their own? 


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